
Spanish ceremony symbols: what do they mean?

Italian wedding symbols have deeper meaning than what is immediately apparent, from the bride’s veils to the grooms ‘ rings. These distinctive wedding customs recognize a child’s history haitian women for marriage, devotion, and relatives and are rich in history.

For instance, it’s common for padrinos and madrinas ( godparents in English ) who are typically married and provide advice to the newlyweds to attend a wedding party. The bridal veiling service, in which the bride’s mother or father drapes the veil over her nose to symbolize her virginity and commitment to her new husband, is also customary. According to Baca, padrinos and madrinas did frequently get given a area on the marriage system and perhaps give the few gifts during the ceremony, such as bibles or rosaries.

Although not everyone is aware that it represents purity, the traditional white dress is also a key component of any Spanish ceremony. In the past, the bride would dress in a white robes to demonstrate her virginity and capacity for childbearing. The wedding is then decorated with myrtle and rosemary, two aphrodisiac crops, to ward off evil spirits.

The arras festival is another pre-marriage ritual. In exchange, the groom promises to help his wedding in the future by giving her 13 gold coins that are decorated with various models, including spiritual symbols, family crests, and last names. These are then kept as a memento after the wedding and put away in an individual torso. Finally, as the newlyweds leave the ceremony, friends frequently toss wheat or animal seeds over them in an effort to bring luck and reproduction.